What is autoloading classes in PHP?

What is autoloading classes in PHP

In PHP object-oriented applications we create one PHP source file per class definition. By registering autoloaders, PHP is given a last chance to load the class or interface before it fails. with an error.

Categories PHP

What is static keyword in PHP?

What is static keyword in PHP

Overview The static keyword is used to declare property or method of a class as static. If we declare a property or method as static in a class, we can access them without instantiating the class itself. The property or method can also be accessed statically within an instantiated class object. We can also define … Read more

Categories PHP

What are magic methods in PHP?

What are magic methods in PHP

Magic methods are special methods which override PHP’s default’s action when certain actions are performed on an object.

Categories PHP

How to remove value from array in PHP?

How to remove value from array in PHP

We know that in PHP an array is a built-in data type that stores a number of values in one single variable. I have previously discussed arrays and different types of arrays in PHP in a post titled What is an associative array in PHP. In this article we will learn how to remove an … Read more

Categories PHP

What is final keyword in PHP?

What is final keyword in PHP

The final keyword in PHP The final keyword can be used for class, class methods, and class constants in PHP. If the final keyword is used before the class then it can be called a final class and if final keyword is used before any method of the class then it can be called a … Read more

Categories PHP